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L'objectif de KTM-care est d'apporter des soins médicaux, avec éventuellement l'aide financière d’organismes, privés ou publics, aux Indiens et aux Tibétains résidant ou venant en pèlerinage en Inde dans l’Etat du Bihar.

Our history

The Khyenkong Tharjay Manjughosha (KTM for short) association was created in October 2018, at the request of  Beru Khyentse Rinpoche, one of the most important lamas of the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.


Its main purpose is to provide medical care, possibly with financial assistance from private or public organizations, to Indians and Tibetans residing or coming on pilgrimage in India in the State of Bihar, notably in Bodhgaya, place of the Awakening of Buddha Sakyamuni.


The first medical missions took place from December 2019 to February 2020. During the lockdown period with Covid, the association contributed to the distribution of food parcels, enriched with nutrients, in the villages around Bodhgaya because Bihar is the poorest state in India.

Indeed, about 93% of the population of Bihar works in agriculture on small areas for low incomes. A large part of the population of Bihar suffers from malnutrition. More than 63% of pregnant women are anemic, about 43% of children under the age of 5 are stunted and 41% underweight, according to Government data released in 2020.


Since December 2022 and until February 2023, medical missions have resumed in the villages.


We need your financial help to sustain our missions in the future !

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