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L’ État du Bihar, le plus pauvre de l’Inde, nécessite des infrastructures pour les diagnostics et  soins  primaires des plus démunis attendant trop souvent que leur état de santé devienne critique pour aller à l’hôpital.

Why Bodhgaya?

The State of Bihar,  India’s poorest State, has continued to lag behind other Indian states in per capital income; by Government standards, a large segment of the population remains below poverty level.


Therefore, Bihar requires infrastructure for primary diagnosis and care, with the poorest people too often waiting for their health to become critical before going to hospital.


The name Bihar derives from the Sanskrit  vihara(Buddhist monastery) as in ancient times Buddhism occupied a large place. In 1988, in the city of Bodhgaya, the place of the Awakening of the Buddha and, as such, considered as one of the four most sacred places of Buddhist pilgrimage in the world, S.E Beru Khyentse Rinpoche had the Karma Temple built on a large plot. This building was inaugurated by the President of India in December 1988.


In 2018-2019, Beru Khyentse Rinpoche built a two-storey building to become a dispensary, recognizing the medical needs for “primary care”. This building was built at the bottom of the plot, with a separate entrance from the main entrance so that future patients can access it directly.


On the ground floor, doctors store medical equipment and medicines and, on the first floor, have rooms. They have the opportunity to share the monks' meals.


Thus, doctors and nurses benefit from the infrastructure of the Karma Temple and the experience of lama Topchen for all matters concerning material organization of missions on the basis of the prices practiced locally iregarding services (interpreters, car rentals with driver).


This is why, concerned about efficiency, the founders of the association Khyenkong Tharjay Manjughosha (KTM), responding to Beru Khyentse Rinpoche’s wishes and having a base, decided to practice on Bodhgaya and its surroundings a nomadic medicine traveling from village to village in the daytime.

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