Khyenkong Tharjay Manjughosha
After the first medical missions, which took place in the winter of 2019-2020, in December 2022, the medical missions resumed in the villages: two general practitioners, Anne and Régis, and a nurse, Krista, came to help, as well as Marie-Claire for the logistics and keeping the “patient” files.
In January, it was Serge, general practitioner, his wife, and Agnès, a nurse who had already come in 2020, who took over and, in February, two seasoned doctors, Nicole and Solange, are on site.
These missions, in pairs of two doctors, will resume in the winter of 2023-2024 unless there is an obstacle linked to exceptional circumstances.
In addition, the KTM association bought 150 warm blankets which were distributed in three villages and 50 aux monks who came for the Kagyu Monlam (annual prayers).
Medical missions will resume on 7th November 2024 and continue until 2 March 2025. Most of the volunteers coming this winter have already taken part in a KTM medical mission: in fact, 70% of experienced carers are repeating their experience with KTM!
For the members of the medical teams taking part, it's an enriching human experience to see happy children despite harsh living conditions and the smiles on the women ‘ faces !
Your donations will be very welcome, as they will enable us to continue our medical work and buy a medically-equipped vehicle (price: more than € 20,000)!
In detail, for the winter of 2024-2025, the first team will consist of Marc, an acupuncturist, and Gilles, a general practitioner, from 7th November 2024. Régis and Anne will return in December as GPs. They will be assisted by Marie-Claire, the association's logistician, and Yves, a physiotherapist.
The team will be taking part in the care provided by our partner Karmapa Healthcare Project to Buddhist monks and nuns during the annual Kagyu Monlam gathering. Other pairs will follow in January and February 2025. As in previous years, Ashish, our skilled interpreter, will be taking part in the medical adventure!